Gross weight for rigid trucks and axle groups are set by the manufacturer for vehicles typically under 12 Tonne GVM. and the regulators for vehicles over 12,Tonne GVM.
Limiting factors for gross weights are:

  1. The capacity of the axles as specified by the vehicle manufacturer and found on the Compliance Plate.
  2. The load rating of the tyres as specified by the tyre manufacturer. New vehicles provide the rating on the Tyre Placard for the size fitted.
  3. For smaller 4 x 2 Rigid Trucks the sum of the axle weights may be greater than the GVM.
  4. Maximum GVM and axle mass is shown on the diagrams below are gazetted by the NHVR and Road Authorities.
  5. Trucks must operate at or below the nominated mass for gross weight and axle groups.
  6. A tolerance of up to 250KG over the GVM or on one axle group is applied by the regulators for on-road enforcement.

Small trucks are rated by the manufacturers and the GVM is typically based on license categories.

Under 4.5 Tonne Car License

Over 4.5 under 8.0 Tonne MR (Light Rigid)

Over 8.0 under 16.5 Tonne (Medium Rigid)

Over 16.5 Tonne Rigid Truck (Heavy Rigid)

The Mass numbers on the diagrams below are General Mass Limits (GML) as set by the NHVR.

This information is a condensed version of information provided by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR)

Please refer to NHVR website for more comprehensive information .

FUPS:- Front Underrun Protection System.

L/S:- Load Sharing Twin Steer Front Axle Group

NHVR Specified Axle Loads (General Mass Limits)